Who Is Vin Budhai?
Vin Budhai moved here from New Jersey a few years ago.
Now he wants to “rile up” and divide our community.
Get to know New Jersey Vin
Moved to San Francisco from New Jersey a few years ago
and rents out his house here on AirbnbWorks as health insurance executive at IQVIA (formerly Quintilesims)
Previously supported a Supervisor candidate who
did not even live in our communityArrested for THEFT in his home state of New Jersey
and now trying to steal a Supervisor seatRunning a recall against Sup. Joel Engardio despite admitting:
“The night markets, fixing potholes and things like that
[Engardio has done]…these are all wonderful things.”
Just Moved Here
Supports Carpetbaggers and Leftists
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